
Everything begins with an idea

One of our core values is ‘learning’ so we aim to share business ideas and discussions with the food industry to prompt business owners to make better decisions and ask challenging questions. Information within our blog and website is general advice only which is available in the public domain. It is not tax advice. Tax, payroll and compliance information changes on a regular basis so always refer to Fair Work, the ATO, Tax or BAS Agents and state or industry bodies for compliant advice relevant to you.

  • Employees who have left your business, must be terminated correctly in payroll software.  Now that payroll software is electronically connected to the ATO via Single Touch Payroll (STP), the ATO has direct visibility on aspects of your payroll systems. Software such as Xero, foundU, Employment Hero (formerly KeyPay), MYOB and more, have built-in compliant payroll [...]

  • If you have noticed a large $$ jump in your latest BAS liability, but not an increase in sales or wages, it may be because your business must now pay PAYGI.   This is the acronym for Pay As You Go Instalment tax. PAYGI is different to the PAYG tax on an employee's pay slip.  Yet [...]

  • Balancing the Balance Sheet

    Most hospitality businesses have fallen into this situation, especially during the COVID pandemic - Cash flow fluctuated like a feast or famine and trying to forecast the future cash flow was impossible.  Then the next BAS Activity Statement was due and there wasn't enough cash to pay it.  Next minute.... you have an ATO debt [...]

  • Business mentors for restaurants cafes

    It can be tough to find business mentors that add value. You want to like your mentor and become mates.  He/She needs to see your point of view.  Right? No! Wrong! Mentors and coaches present themselves throughout your life journey. You might not even realise it at times.  You are a product of the experiences [...]

  • JOBMAKER is replacing JOBKEEPER As JobKeeper winds down, the new program of JobMaker Hiring Credit scheme is ramping up.  It’s for a long date range of 2 years: October 2020 to October 2022. It’s not as generous as JobKeeper, but it will assist businesses with some cash relief as a reward for hiring more employees. [...]

  • Reconciled and accurate Xero files may be the difference to getting a government cash incentive or not. Or securing that needed bank loan for new equipment or overdraft extension. It also means the business reports you read are a true reflection of how the business is performing and you can make the necessary business decisions [...]

  • Regular updates on JobKeeper, Financial Relief  and Government's Economic Response to Coronavirus COVID-19  - - Simplified and much more.  This information is for businesses with aggregated turnover of less than $1 billion only. For full details, contact us for information relevant to you. RESTAURANT BOOKKEEPERS AUSTRALIA IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS AS USUAL - our team [...]

  • We've all been impacted by the global economical fallout of coronavirus.  I can't promise your business will survive but this moment in time will pass eventually. The trick is to hang on if you can. The business landscape will definitely be different over the next year or so. While we can't predict the future, we [...]

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